Energy Produced

12,200 kWh/year



This beautiful family home, designed by Lutz Architects following feng shui principles, overlooks Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Nestled at the foot of the Vaud Jura mountains, it stands out against the lush green landscape. The SunStyle solar tiles seamlessly blend with the dark woodwork, creating a cohesive aesthetic while generating clean energy. Remarkably, the integrated solar roof produces 300% of the home’s annual electricity needs.

Beyond its stunning integration into the landscape, the house was conceived as an energy-efficient marvel from the start. The project’s aim was to incorporate sustainable features: using responsible and recyclable materials, promoting energy and water conservation, and minimizing waste production. Every stage of the design process focused on reducing the environmental and social footprint.

Buildings account for 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the IPCC. A “clean energy” house like this one consumes minimal energy thanks to optimized insulation and produces its own energy through renewable solutions such as the SunStyle solar roof.

In Switzerland, the Minergie-P label sets quality standards for new or renovated buildings, emphasizing a low-waste envelope. Such buildings must be extremely well-insulated to ensure thermal comfort, efficient air renewal, heat recovery, and top-tier energy performance. Sun exposure, window placement, and superior airtightness are crucial for obtaining the Minergie-P label, and the SunStyle solar roof tiles perfectly meet these requirements.

Interested in a SunStyle project? We’re here to help bring it to life!