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Energy crisis: How to achieve an independent and sustainable energy supply?

Energy crisis Europe, recent events have had their impact on the global economy. Since Germany buys a large part of its oil needs from Russia, there is a high price increase for all energy sources.

The energy crisis is affecting the markets. Gas prices, petrol prices and even electricity prices continue to rise, and Switzerland has not been spared. But there are ways to prepare for further increases in energy prices in the future.

SunStyle works every day to help people switch to renewable energy with solar power. So that the impact of the energy crisis can be mitigated.

The impact of the energy crisis for people in Europe and what steps can be taken to be spared from the energy crisis can be found in this article.

energy crises | Sunstyle

Current situation – Why are energy prices fluctuating more and more?

Most people know that fossil fuels will diminish over time, and that the supply of petrol and gas is becoming increasingly scarce. In addition, the processes for extracting them are becoming more complicated and thus more expensive.

Due to the increasingly difficult processes and the slowly dwindling fossil fuels, humanity is heading for an even greater energy crisis. But that is not the only reason. In the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, the United Nations committed itself to limiting the temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius. Therefore, increased levies are to be expected over time.

Switzerland already introduced the CO₂ tax in 2008 to meet its own climate targets. This automatically increased from 96 francs to 120 francs per tonne of CO₂ in January 2022 because the targets set out in the ordinance were missed.

Why are prices for energy dependent on the global economy?

Another reason for rising prices is recent events in the global economy. This is because supply and demand regulate the price.

Tough sanctions have been imposed on Russia due to the Ukraine conflict. But Russia is one of the main suppliers of natural gas and petrol to the EU. This creates a shortage of these commodities, while demand remains the same. On the free market, this means that petrol prices as well as natural gas prices are rising.

This is exactly what is happening in many European countries right now: petrol prices have risen enormously and everything points to an energy crisis.

The desired direction for the future with regard to energy supply & energy crises ?

To avoid further energy crises in the future, more must be invested in sustainable energy. The plan for the future is clear, the entire energy demand should be covered by sustainable energy sources such as: Wind, sun or geothermal energy.

To achieve this, a lot of money must be invested in the development of new technologies to better store renewable energy. In Germany, laws have already been passed to counteract the energy crisis in Europe. In Baden-Württemberg, for example, all newly built non-residential buildings must have a solar roof from January 2022, and from May 2022 all residential buildings will also be affected. In January 2023, solar roofs will also be mandatory for roof renovations.

In the near future, all federal states will probably push ahead with the adaptation to solar power with a similar bill. But even today, everyone can contribute to the energy turnaround: a photovoltaic system with an integrated battery system not only reduces the burden on the energy grid and the environment, but can also completely eliminate dependence on the electricity grid.

How is it possible to be less dependent on energy prices in the future?

Many people have no choice but to accept the rising energy prices in order not to freeze in winter. And rising petrol prices also have to be accepted by many commuters who have no alternative.

The solution to the dependency of energy prices or the energy crisis is obvious. People can already invest in renewable energies on their own responsibility. Not only are they the key to overcoming the energy crisis, but they can also help private individuals to be less dependent on rising energy prices. Renewable energies such as solar power can achieve a high degree of self-sufficiency. Dependency is rarely desirable and the energy crisis makes it clearer now than ever.

Generating your own energy with a solar roof

Everything starts with your own electricity. A solar roof is an investment in the future; as energy costs continue to rise, the photovoltaic system will pay for itself all the sooner. But generating your own solar power also has advantages that come into play immediately after commissioning.

If enough electricity is generated by the solar roof, the energy can be used for different things depending on demand. With the increasing supply of electric cars, more and more affordable models are coming onto the market. The energy from one’s own solar roof can be used to fully charge the car. Likewise, the self-produced solar power can be used to heat the house with electric heating. This means that oil or gas is no longer needed to keep the house warm.

A photovoltaic system therefore already makes a strong contribution to self-sufficiency and thus makes you largely independent of rising energy prices or the current energy crisis.

Other options for more independence

In addition to the solar roof, there are other measures that contribute to greater self-sufficiency.

Romantic wood-burning stove

If you don’t want to rely exclusively on solar energy, a wood-burning stove can provide a romantic alternative for heating in gloomy weather. Burning wood does release CO₂, but this is bound up again by planting new trees. Furthermore, wood is a renewable resource and therefore available in unlimited quantities.

Ground probe, the most ecological way of heating

With a heat pump, you benefit from the heat from the depths of the earth. Geothermal heating does not work in every location, but if it is possible, it is a sustainable method for heating your home. In addition, a geothermal probe can be used to cool the house in summer.

Improved insulation ensures increased eco-balance

Insulation of the latest quality standard helps to keep the heat in the house. Insulation measures save a large amount of energy and thus carbon dioxide.

Conclusion: Which energy source has the greatest potential?

The current energy crisis shows us that our current energy infrastructure is beginning to falter. For an energy transition, all available renewable energies must be used in combination. Only through diversification can we achieve the change. But solar energy brings with it the greatest potential, because its power is theoretically enough to cover our energy needs 10,000 times over.

For more information about SunStyle’s solar roof, visit sunstyle.com 

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